Empowering women in Michigan

AAUW has been empowering women as individuals and as a community since 1881. For more than 130 years, we have worked together as a national grassroots organization to improve the lives of millions of women and their families.

AAUW of Michigan Mission

AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

AAUW’s Vision

Equity for all.

AAUW’s Values

Nonpartisan. Fact-based. Integrity. Inclusion and Intersectionality.

Find a Branch and Join Us in Advocating for Gender Equity!


Branch Leadership Playbooks

AAUW of Michigan is producing a series of branch leadership playbooks to assist branch officers and the collaborative teams they assemble, both formal and informal, to assist in performing their responsibilities. These playbooks are designed to be scalable for use by small, medium, and large branches. We hope the playbooks will help branches recruit new officers by making the jobs appear manageable, satisfying, and occasionally even fun. We welcome suggestions for updates and additions to future versions of the playbooks. Please send comments to .

Community Connection

Welcome to the Community Connection, a place to view our e-blasts from your state organization. We promise to keep theCommunity Connection short, timely, and geared toward our members (that’s YOU) with what YOU might want to know or do to be an active AAUW member.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit
Ethnically diverse people seated in a row

The AAUW Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) resources in the DEI Toolkit aim to identify best practices for promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within AAUW. These resources present guidelines for how AAUW branches, national members, student members and individual members can demonstrate an understanding of AAUW’s mission, values, goals and strategic plan. It is meant to start the inclusion conversation. We encourage all members to seek ways to incorporate inclusive practices into their branches and daily life.

(Image credit: Created by Eric Haynes. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/)

AAUW of Michigan Webinars

AAUW of Michigan presents Webinars on topics related to our mission. See some of our most recent presentations below. Find our complete archive of recordings on YouTube. For information about upcoming webinars and other events, see our calendar.

Revisiting the 2022 Election and the Future of Democracy, 2/9/2023

Screen shot from Recruiting and Engaging Younger Members Panel Discussion Recruiting and Engaging Younger Members Panel Discussion, 6/26/2023

Ranked Choice Voting for Michigan, Ron Zimmerman of Rank MI Vote, 9/14/2023

Screenshot of opening frame of videoIt’s in the Numbers!: Financial and Fundraising Information for Your AAUW Branch, 1/16/2025

AAUW of Michigan Facebook Page

Cover for AAUW of Michigan
AAUW of Michigan

AAUW of Michigan


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